The Stylistics on R2 RADIO
Dec 28,2015
[The Sylistics On R2 RADIO Tonight!]
今夜のR2Radioは今年ラストの放送!ということでRnB Selecta SP ”Out of Studio” をお送りします!!
数々のヒットソングの中でも「愛がすべて」は日本でもCMで使われ。や「Your everything」は、1973年にダイアナ・ロスとマーヴィン・ゲイのデュエットでカバーされたり、Jay-zや他多数のビッグアーティストらもHIPHOPのサンプルとしてカバーされている名曲多数!
Today we have The Stylistics as a special guest on R2 RADIO for our last show of 2015!! It was so great to get a chance to sit down at Billboard Live Tokyo and talk with Artistes thats been in the music business for almost 50 years! They have so many classic songs such as “can’t give you anything but my love” which regained its popularity in Japan by being music for the popular Gatsby tv commercial. They have had many of their songs covered or sampled by artistes such as Diana Ross, Marvin Gaye, Prince and many more! This is guaranteed to be a good show with a lot of insight and music history so be sure to tune into R2 RADIO at 12 on Interfm89.7Mhz!