バックステージフォトwith ロイ エアーズ! ロイのニックネームもロロだったんだって!
Roy Ayers x Roro x Risa Kumon
Feb 20,2016
Backstage w/ the legendary Roy Ayers & Risa Kumon at BlueNote Tokyo. I was surprised to find out his nickname is Roro as well! Good times!
Roro New sns App Endorsement
Feb 19,2016[最新音楽アプリ/New Music Apps]
Check out this cool new music app that I’m endorsing called, Wassapi! It’s free and easy to use for all music lovers! Check it out!
Press Release Info : http://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000001.000017623.html
Download App:
Roro & Risa featured on Smirnoff Cm Narration
Feb 8,2016
スミノフCMのナレーション収録♪Doing Smirnoff commercial]]>
Grammy winner Sadaharu Yagi on R2 RADIO W/ Katsuyuki Seto
Jan 4,2016
今夜のゲスト:グラミー受賞エンジニア・プロデューサー”Sadaharu Yagi” & 3Dサラウンドデザイナー・エンジニア”Katsuyuki Seto”
ロサンゼルスでエンジニア・プロデューサーとして活躍してる”SADA”(通称)はワイ・クリフやシェキーラ,36マフィア、リッキーマーティンなどなどの大物アーティストらの楽曲をミックスプロデュースしている日本人グラミー受賞エンジニア!そして”KATSU”は未来の音楽システム「3Dサラウンド」(5.1ch)をサウンドデザイン・プロデュースしているプロフェッショナリスト!今夜はそんな才人2人がR2Radio一周年記念&新年SPに特別出演!!放送は1月4日12am@ InterFM89.7Mhz!
Tonight’s guest for our first show of 2016 is Grammy award winning Audio Engineer, Sadaharu Yagi and 3D sound Designer and Surround sound audio engineer Katsuyuki Seto! Sadaharu Yagi has worked with Wyclef Jean, Shakira, Marc anthony and more so it was great to get him and Katsuyuki Seto on our show to get a deeper look into the world of audio engineering! Tonight’s show not only is a new year special but it marks 1 whole year since we’ve been doing R2 Radio show at Interfm897! Thank you all that continue to support and listen! Be sure to tune into our 1st show of 2016 tonight at 12 on Interfm89.7Mhz
You can tune into R2 RADIO in many parts of Japan on air by turning your stations to Interfm89.7Mhz for Tokyo and other parts of the Kanto area, 76.5MHz for Yokohama and 79.5Mhz for Nagoya!
R2 Recordz 2015 Recap
Jan 1,2016
[R2RECORDZ 2015 ハイライツ] 今年も沢山の人達と出会い、色んな世界を体験し、大きく成長できた年になりました!今年お世話になった皆様ありがとうございました!また来年もよろしくお願い申し上げます! R2RECORDZ一同 These are just some photo of things that happen this year. We’ve met, worked with, and grew with so many people this year and we would like to Thank you all for the support in 2015! We look forward to all the things we have planed for 2016! Happy New Year to all!
The Stylistics on R2 RADIO
Dec 28,2015
[The Sylistics On R2 RADIO Tonight!]
今夜のR2Radioは今年ラストの放送!ということでRnB Selecta SP ”Out of Studio” をお送りします!!
数々のヒットソングの中でも「愛がすべて」は日本でもCMで使われ。や「Your everything」は、1973年にダイアナ・ロスとマーヴィン・ゲイのデュエットでカバーされたり、Jay-zや他多数のビッグアーティストらもHIPHOPのサンプルとしてカバーされている名曲多数!
Today we have The Stylistics as a special guest on R2 RADIO for our last show of 2015!! It was so great to get a chance to sit down at Billboard Live Tokyo and talk with Artistes thats been in the music business for almost 50 years! They have so many classic songs such as “can’t give you anything but my love” which regained its popularity in Japan by being music for the popular Gatsby tv commercial. They have had many of their songs covered or sampled by artistes such as Diana Ross, Marvin Gaye, Prince and many more! This is guaranteed to be a good show with a lot of insight and music history so be sure to tune into R2 RADIO at 12 on Interfm89.7Mhz!
RORO x RISA x Cystal Kay
Dec 27,2015バックステージにてクリスタルケイちゃんとみんなでスナップショット❤*(^o^)/*❤ Backstage with Japanese Singer Crystal Kay and Risa. Good time!

R2 RADIO does coverage at Redbull Thre3style world Competition
Dec 2,2015

I got got a chance to attend the Redbull Thre3style championship all week
and meet and interview and meet some best Dj’s in the world!
Stay tuned for more info and content!!!
Roro on Fuji Tv
Nov 5,2015
I was on FujiTv yesterday with @risakumon as a panelist for a popular #Japanese television show. Thanks to all who sent me pictures.
Dj Krush on R2 RADIO
Nov 2,2015
The legendary Dj Krush on R2RADIO show tonight at 12 on Interfm89.7Mhz!
11年ぶりのNEWアルバムをリリースしたばかりのDJ KURUSH!世界ツアーの合間にR2Radioへ来てくれました!新しい作品についてや日本から世界へ進出してきた彼の背景についてインタビューしていきます!ステイチューン!! InterFM89.7Mhz “R2RADIO” 毎週月曜日深夜0時放送!!
Roro x Risa Kumon x Ali Shaheed (from A tribe called quest)
Oct 30,2015
Take 6 On R2 RADIO
Oct 26,2015
[Take 6 on R2 Radio]
10 time Grammy award winning group, Take 6 will be on R2 Radio tonight!! We will be discussing many things from their collaborations with such artistes as Stevie wonder and Ray Charles, tour stories new music and more! We have a great show planned for tonight so be sure to tune in to R2 Radio tonight on Interfm89.7Mhz.
今夜のRnB Selectaはスペシャル!!”Out Of The Studio Ep3”
Studio Grind
Oct 24,2015
[Take 6 on R2 Radio]
10 time Grammy award winning group, Take 6 will be on R2 Radio tonight!! We will be discussing many things from their collaborations with such artistes as Stevie wonder and Ray Charles, tour stories new music and more! We have a great show planned for tonight so be sure to tune in to R2 Radio tonight on Interfm89.7Mhz.
今夜のRnB Selectaはスペシャル!!”Out Of The Studio Ep3”
Oct 24,2015Eat, Sleep, studio, Repeat. With my partner in Rhyme!
New music coming soon! スタジオタイム!次のプロジェクトへ
Dj Qbert on R2 RADIO
Oct 19,2015
[Dj QBert on R2 RADIO]
Tonight on R2 Radio we will be interviewing one of the best turntablist in the world, @djqbert! While in Japan for the RedBull Thre3syle world championship we got a chance to catch up with him and discuss his views on turntablism, Exclusive stories, New Album and many more! This is great interview so be sure to tune in tonight at 12 to R2 RADIO on Interfm89.7Mhz
[今夜のR2Radio SPゲスト:DJ Qbert]
今夜のR2Radioは”Out Of The Studio Ep2”スタジオを抜け出してHOTなアーティストを独占インタビュー!!今夜はスクラッチの天才”Dj Qbert”のインタビューをRedBullStudioからお届け!
[R2Radio 毎週月曜日 深夜0時オンエア InterFM89.7Mhz]
Email: R2RADIO@interfm.jp